Bach Under The Stars

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Boko Haram

This is not senseless at all. You have everything backwards. Boko Haram should have absolutely nothing against oil companies,

Think education.Their name is "Western or non-Islamic education is a sin". Anyone who try to promote education in Nigeria is hated by half of the country. Boko Haram itself is killing for stating that Earth is a sphere, species evolved or rain comes from evaporated water.

Galapagos tortoises

They are from Taronga Zoo.

This is her, it's a female, first and only child at the age of 90.

Afghanistan survey

This is survey's summary. It is still hot, only three months since publication, so it won't be implemented into World Bank statistics in a year. World Bank does much research, but not necessarily about public health.
Fertility has dropped sharply (2 children per women less), with 20% of women using modern contraceptives. 60% of women use antenatal care. For working-age males mortality dropped by half and is lower than in Pakistan.
Overall statistics are one step worse than in Pakistan, Nepal or Bangladesh, but this is tremendous improvement. I believe that Afghanistan has fastest improving HDI in history, so improvement in health are coupled with improvement in education or economy.