Bach Under The Stars
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Monday, 25 February 2013
Europe's Disappearing Borders
Great article. It claims that trend toward universal hospitality and open exchange would continue, but there is nothing to support this notion in the article.
I've recently read "The Better angels of our nature" and Pinker doesn't find any base for this prediction either.
What politicans do actually like?
I think Mary Robinson is a pretty cool guy. Eh raises issues of human rights and doesnt afraid of anything.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
HRW: Worst year for human rights in Russia since the USSR collapsed
There's thrills and chills and girls galore, sing-songs and surprises
There's something hear for everyone, (reserve your seat today)
There's mischief and malarkies but no queers or yids or darkies
Within this bastard's carnival, this vicious cabaret.
Brzezinski: Europe needs forward-looking leaders
I like his realistic evaluation of Russia and India.
I'm not sure how people overestimate them and China so much. I read poll that according Spanish, French or British idiots China is most powerful economy already and disillusioned Indians believe even that India is the largest economy. Don't even start with diplomatic and cultural value.
Do people ascribe too much importance to economic growth? Indonesia in a few years will be larger economy than France, but this doesn't make Indonesia "world power".
Sunday, 17 February 2013
US Constitution
US Constitution doesn't allow a having standing army, hence this ridiculous notion of armed militia.
U.S. Constitution allows piracy, so it is not a serious argument.
US Constitution Article 1 Section 8
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;To provide and maintain a Navy;To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
Still US Congress does this comedy with "extending" mandate of armed forces. On the one hand this may stopped USA from becoming colonial power, on the second hand for over 100 years USA had standing army.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
You cannot reliably judge income distribution on such granular level
While later is depressingly poor, former is artificially rich by providing much needed utility to millions of people.
Ireland on Eurovision
Celtic music is probably most popular European ethnic music.
What was wrong with that?
Talking turkey was not so good.
Friday, 15 February 2013
It's Time for Free Trade With Europe
Europeans won't agree for American copyright law (it doesn't respect author's rights) and Americans won't allow Europeans into their service market (which is profitable beyond imagination).
At the end of a day you need common standards for "a lamp" otherwise free trade is meaningless.
Latvia celebrates its 94th Independence Day
Here is a dish for Latvia.
History of Latvia in animation.
Here is Latvian national anthem.
Here are ingredients I've found on the internet:
Potato salad ingredients
- 6 potatoes
- 6 eggs
- 6 pickles
- 6 pickled beets, or equivalent in sliced pickled beets (optional)
- 1 apple (optional)
Salad dressing ingredients
- 3 large dollops mayonaise (Hellman's, if possible)
- 1 - 2 large dollops sour cream
- 1 - 3 teaspoons mustard 5 - 15 ml
- 1 - 3 teaspoons vinegar 5 - 15 ml
- ¼ - ½ teaspoon salt 1 - 2 ml
- ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 ml
- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 5 ml (optional)
There can be little doubt that Nasa is preparing to return to the Moon but will Europe participate in the effort?
First European on the moon will be Russian.
The largest contributor to ESA is European Union. Its budget is getting slashed. Galileo needs funding. Land observatories are underfunded. 400 million a year for manned missions goes to ISS.
There is no money.
OECD: Germany's importance as an economic player will decline significantly by 2060 as its population grows older and in the face of China and India's rapid growth
Full paper - it is not meant to accurately represent year 2062, but evaluate current economic policy.
What is your opinion on the expansion of the EU? Should more countries be admitted? If so, which ones should and should not?
As long as countries understand that continuous integration means upholding certain standards it should empower people in both current and future member states.
Euro-curious is a term used to refer to people of a European or non-European identity who, while showing some curiosity for a relationship or activity within Europe, distinguish themselves from the Europhile label.
What are some of your favorite European films/film franchises?
Das Boot - great German war story.
Sexmission - memorable Polish Sci-Fi comedy.
Kin-dza-dza - great Soviet Sci-Fi comedy.
Monday, 11 February 2013
Red Bull stratosphere jump
Problem on a space station? Not enough time to send a rocket? No worries! Just point yourself planet-ward and jump!
Just like jumping from 5 meter height prepares you to jump from 300 meter height.
During re-entry vehicle haves about 100 times more kinetic energy than this parachuter will achieve.
It is pure entertainment.
This is not "the edge of space". This is a lie. There is no definition of "edge of space". We start to call anything above 100 km "space, but this arbitrary set limit. Still there is nothing useful at 100 km. At 300 km there is still significant atmosphere resistance.
Well, these kind of jumps could be fun. I don't know cost of it, but this could establish safety requirements for this extreme entertainment.
Climbing Mt. Everest won't contribute to knowledge of the human kind, but many people still want to do it.
"Ode to joy" by Robert Bennington
Oh friends, not these notes!
Joy of God's beautiful sparks
Daughter of the Elysium
Drunken of fire we will enter
Your holy shrine, Heavenly daughter!
Your miracles will connect again
Whatever fashion had strictly divided
All men will become brothers
Wherever your tender wing remains
Berlin Hamburg Schumacher
Baden-Baden lederhosen
fast fast fast
Yes Yes No No
apple strudel
Hofmeister and Holsten Pils
Attention loving woman in milk Porsche oom-pah
Vorsprung durch Technik
Donner and Blitzen
British architect
tommorrow belongs to me
pig, dog, fool
a beer please
Jurgen Klinsmann is not broke,
Boris Becker always boom boom
I'm a Berlin
kindergarten pick,
glühwein where his skipass
edelweiss sings captain von Trapp
Auf Wiedersehen Pet
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Germany: Goodbye to nuclear, welcome back coal
You can generate electricity from: natural gas, oil and oil shale. Germany won't find source of appropriate amount of oil and oil shale is limited currently to Estonia (practically not different from coal), but Russia is willing to supply Germany with natural gas... for a price.
Richest economy with similar electricity use as Germany is Ireland, not so different, while richest country with half of electricity use of Germany is Poland.
Richest economy with similar electricity use as Germany is Ireland, not so different, while richest country with half of electricity use of Germany is Poland.
Is it possible that some former communist country in Europe can catch up some really developed Western country(France, Germany etc.) in near future(15-25 years)?
Maybe Czech Republic, maybe Slovenia. Beside the fact that reaching this point took former communist states 20 years, these countries don't have infrastructure to do so. Electricity generation
What did you think of the opening ceremony?
It was extremely centered around Great Britain, which is fine for me because i understand cultural references, but awful for people who don't know British popular culture.
It would be terrible to explain who is Voldemort and Mary Poppins and that they are not really antagonists. It's like battle between Guang Yu and Sha Wujing.
You could put there: "The Wind in the Willows", "Winnie-the -Pooh", "The Hobbit" and more. That's not necessary. You cannot put up anthology of British children literature in an hour.
Sanctity of American constitution is shocking notion for me
If someone said to me that Schuman Declaration, Lisbon Treaty, Polish Constitution, or something like that is perfect now and forever I would say they is crazy.
There is no cyclical time and language and context change. There was also no Golden Age and we can do better than aspire to be like our ancestors.
Well, Polish Constitution isn't good, but you got to be kidding me.
U.S. Constitution article I section 10:
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
How this apply to today's world?
will never become "one of the EU's main powers"
It can only improve its image, because for now is abysmal. There is only one country which loves Poland - Japan. It's hard to describe this differently, Japanese like Poland more than Polish. That is as cultural phenomenon, few Japanese actually live in Poland. Germans obviously dislike Poland. Other nationalities mostly never heard of it. You can ask Italians for example and they genuinely know nothing about the country.
Transformation is reality. E.g. there were 20 people killed last year with firearms, there are 80 000 terminals for contactless payments. More and more things are normal here.
This is not representative sample, but here you go - Germans like Poland, Deutschen mögen Polen
This is not representative sample, but here you go - Germans like Poland, Deutschen mögen Polen
You are forcing to be positive. I would expect also association with poverty and backwardness from Frenchmen.
I don't believe that Poland as a brand is in France either good or bad.
Which of Europe's national anthems is your favorite?
Friday, 1 February 2013
Suicides in Europe
First you should repair the climate. Europe has darkest cities on planet (besides Siberia) and most of this sunshine is experienced in summer. Secondary you should curb alcohol consumption, which is probably also contributing factor.
While European Anthem has lukewarm lyrics, the full version of Ode to Joy was much more radical:
Joy, beautiful sparkle of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, fire-drunk,
Heavenly one, your shrine.
Your magics bind again
What custom's sword has parted
Beggars become princes' brothers
Where your tender wing lingers.
Be embraced, millions!
This kiss to the entire world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
Must a loving Father reside.
Whoever has succeeded in the great attempt
To be a friend's friend;
Whoever has won a lovely woman
Add in his jubilation!
Yes, who calls even one soul
His own on the earth's sphere!
And whoever never could achieve this,
Let him steal away crying from this gathering!
Those who occupy the great circle,
Pay homage to sympathy!
It leads to the stars
Where the unknown one reigns.
All creatures drink joy
At the breasts of nature,
All good, all evil
Follow her trail of roses.
Kisses she gave us, and the vine,
A friend, proven in death.
Pleasure was given to the worm,
And the cherub stands before God.
Do you fall down, you millions?
Do you sense the creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy,
Above the stars he must live.
Joy is the name of the strong spring
In eternal nature.
Joy, joy drives the wheels
In the great clock of worlds.
She lures flowers from the buds,
Suns out of the firmament,
She rolls spheres in the spaces
That the seer's telescope does not know.
Happy, as his suns fly
Through the heaven’s magnificent plain
Run, brothers, your track
Joyfully, as a hero to victory.
From the fiery mirror of truth
She smiles upon the researcher,
Towards virtue’s steep hill
She guides the endurer’s path.
Upon faith’s sunlit mountain
One sees her banners in the wind,
Through the opening of burst coffins
One sees them standing in the chorus of angels.
Endure courageously, millions!
Endure for the better world!
There above the starry canopy
A great God will reward.
Gods one cannot repay
Beautiful it is, to be like them.
Grief and poverty, acquaint yourselves
With the joyful ones rejoice.
Anger and revenge be forgotten,
Our deadly enemy be forgiven,
No tears shall he shed
No remorse shall gnaw at him
Our debt registers be abolished
Reconcile the entire world!
Brothers, over the starry canopy
God judges, as we judged.
Joy bubbles in the cup,
In the grape’s golden blood
Cannibals drink gentleness
The fearful, courage --
Brothers, fly from your perches,
When the full cup is passed,
Let the foam spray to the heavens
This glass to the good spirit
He whom the spirals of stars praise,
He whom the seraphim’s hymn glorifies,
This glass to the good spirit
Above the starry canopy!
Courage firm in great suffering,
Help there, where innocence weeps,
Eternally sworn oaths,
Truth towards friend and foe,
Mens’ pride before kings’ thrones --
Brothers, even if it costs property and blood, --
The crowns to those who earn them,
Defeat to the lying brood!
Close the holy circle tighter,
Swear by this golden vine:
Remain true to the vows,
Swear by the judge above the stars!
Escape the tyrants’ chains,
Generosity also to the villain,
Hope upon the deathbeds,
Mercy from the high court!
The dead, too, shall live!
Brothers, drink and chime in,
All sinners shall be forgiven,
And hell shall be no more.
A serene departing hour!
Sweet sleep in the shroud!
Brothers—a mild sentence
From the final judge!
Austerity. What austerity?
List of EU countries which had budget cuts:
- Bulgaria,
- Estonia,
- Greece, but only 1%,
- Hungary,
- Malta,
- Romania,
- Sweden,
Actually champion of austerity is Iceland which cut spending by 20% in real terms.
UK and France obviously haven't had austerity, almost all EU countries have increasing spending. Between 2008 and 2011 there was 5% increase in budget expenditure on average.
History of Norway
Undiscovered giant is interesting position on this graph. It assumes that there is giant field of crude oil in Norway to be found.
This would be Johan Sverdrup, and would prove amazing predictive value of the author.
Oil production in Norway in March is over 1.6 million barrels per day, so better than on the graph, but close enough.
Problems with Moldova
Soviet generals trying to separate eastern part of the country, largest alcohol consumption on the planet, Gazprom forcing high prices for natural gas, extremely high level of emigration...
Trabant as communist car?
Wrong comparison. Trabant was made of cotton and never higher class vehicle. There is excellent example of communistic management, because there was car company split between West and East. Eastern part being Wartburg and western - BMW. Of course BMW had better performance, was cleaner and had more varietes
Tell me about your cold, freezing, city!
Coldest major city in EEA is Helsinki.
You can go to university in Svalbard, but there is no city around it. You would have 4 months below -10*C there.
Don't be confused. Swedish and Norwegian cities aren't very freezing (even 40 degrees above Siberian temperatures) and actually belt Poland-Finland is
Europe according to FOX News
I love to think that red dots are capitals.
Turin in Italy, Hamburg in Germany, Tours in France.
Do these cities have anything in common?
Map of tourist atractiveness
Map for entire world.
Interesting. There is relative emptiness of France, with similar attractiveness as Ukraine. Not surprisingly Switzerland or Netherlands are covered with solid color. There is no tourism in Central Africa. Only heat spot around Persian Gulf is UAE. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are empty; Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan aren't. All tourism in India is concentrated around Himalayas and west coast.
Does recognition of Armenia genocide brinks justice?
Not really. Recognition won't bring justice, because perpetrators are dead.
Neither should EU "force" anyone to change their history books.
You should realize that Turks don't know about the genocide. It is censored. They have something called "crime against Turkishness" or similar which forbid to freely publish about Young Turks. Let them repeal this (being against article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights) and there will be someone in Turkey who will speak about the genocide.
BTW, Turkish entry on ECHR is telling.
Federal European Union?
What would we need?
- Patriotism based on enlightenment goals: freedom, democracy, reason. I think that since Schuman there are lots of politicians, who would accept that.
- Cosmopolitanism, belief in shared morality of all Europeans or even all humans. That would be huge problem. Almost all politician speaks otherwise. Deceased Havel would be exception (he is hated in his country for claiming to be citizen of the world). This would pose as in stark opposition to USA.
- Communitarism, belief in connection between individual and community, values created in community and positive rights. This is core belief of United Nations or EPP and most politician would agree with that.
- Ethical individualism, belief that every individual know best their preferences. This is basis for wealth redistribution and something many people don't belief. This is sometnterest of the future.hing lack of trust can easily squander. This also often take away power from "protectors of our interests" - politicians.
- Sustainability, not compromising future enterprises. No problem.
- Being family friendly while changing definition of family. No problem.
- Multiculturalism, promotion of multiple cultures. There are multiple politician devoted to this, although in minority.
- Secularism. This would need multiple "corrections" for naughty politicians, but it is core value of EU already.
- Being understanding towards criminals: no capital punishment, respect of their individuality and welfare for them. This is opposed by same people as #4.
- Perpetual peace. This needs united European armed forces.
- Multilateralism, working in concert towards common goal. Every politician sharing dream of united European community will ascribe to that. This is core principle of UN.
"Green" meat
This is a reason most of meat is now artificially coloured. Meat contains iron, fat, and other compounds. When light hits a slice of meat, it splits into colors like a rainbow. There are various pigments in meat compounds that can give it an iridescent or greenish cast when exposed to heat and processing. Wrapping the meat in airtight packages and storing it away from light will help prevent this situation. Iridescence does not represent decreased quality or safety of the meat.
tl;dr That's like "normal" meat looks like.
There are at least 1781 candidates and counting.
Keppler could started revolution in exoplanet search and we will see something like asteroid discovery.
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