Bach Under The Stars

Thursday, 29 September 2022

List of countries overdeveloped for their income level (estimations for the year 2021)


North Korea


Kyrgyz Republic






Tuesday, 6 September 2022

99% of the time the thing you are recording would look better in landscape mode

 It's underestimation. Even for deep water fish/creatures, where gravity is more suggestion their eyes are horizontal. For virtually every situation the landscape mode is better at capturing movement, because horizontal movement is more important and easier to understand for every animal.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

TIL that half of British citizens would refuse a free trip to the Moon even if safety was guaranteed

 You can't "experience outside" or even shower. It's like sitting in a crowded bus, underwater, for a week. Not exactly enviable journey.

For every one who says they would do this for a view, you can find Moon videos in HD on YT, and they have 10 views a day.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Best real life example of lawful evil I know.

 I wish to see Elsevier in one of these "What today's practice will future generations find appalling" threads. There is no better example of using lawyers to steal stuff. Sadly not enough people care.