Based on web search results, here is a possible pre-first date checklist:
- Take care of personal hygiene. Shower thoroughly, shampoo and condition your hair, brush your teeth, use deodorant and perfume/cologne. Clip and clean your fingernails and toenails1.
- Pick an outfit. Choose something that is comfortable, suitable for the location and weather, and reflects your personality. Avoid wearing anything too revealing, tight, or sloppy12.
- Choose a location. Pick a place that is convenient, safe, and interesting for both of you. Women care more than men about the nature of the date, so try to avoid clichés or boring venues3.
- Prepare transportation. If you’re picking your date up, clean your car and fill your gas tank. If you’re taking public transport or a taxi, plan your route and allow extra time for traffic or delays3.
- Bring money. Even if you’re not planning to pay for the whole date, it’s always good to have some cash or a card with you in case of emergencies or unexpected expenses3.
- Relax. Don’t stress too much about the outcome of the date or what your date will think of you. Just be yourself and have fun. Try to calm your nerves with some deep breathing, positive affirmations, or music34.
- Unplug. Turn off your phone or put it on silent mode during the date. Don’t check your messages, emails, or social media. Give your full attention to your date and show them that you’re interested and respectful3.
- Build momentum. Start the conversation with some small talk and then move on to more personal topics. Ask open-ended questions and listen actively to their answers. Share some stories or anecdotes about yourself but don’t dominate the conversation. Avoid talking about exes, politics, religion, or anything too controversial or negative4.